Crate ockam_node

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ockam_node - Ockam Node API


pub use tokio;


Access Control
Api helpers
MPSC channel type aliases
Async Mutex and RwLock


A message wrapper type that allows users to cancel message receival
Context contains Node state and references to the runtime.
Allow to send message to destination address periodically after some delay Only one scheduled heartbeat allowed at a time Dropping this handle cancels scheduled heartbeat
Underlying Ockam node executor
Used for LocalMessage that originates from outside the node (e.g. received from transport)
Start a node with a custom setup configuration
A minimal worker implementation that does nothing
Start a Worker with a custom AccessControl configuration


Enumeration of error causes in ockam_node
Messages sent from the Node to the Executor
Reasons why a generic Ockam Node operation has failed
Reasons why adding an external router has failed
Successful return values from a router command
Specify the type of node shutdown
Reasons why a worker operation has failed


A default timeout in seconds
Node LocalInfo unique Identifier

Type Definitions

A special sender type that connects a type to an AsyncDrop handler
A special type of Context that has no worker relay and inherits the parent Context’s access control
The reply/result of a Node
A special type of Context that has no worker relay and a custom access control which is not inherited from its parent `Context.